5.6. Black, white and loyalty lists

5.6.1. Overview

You can manage white, black and loyalty client lists from the BWL screen. It allows quicker determining the reason why a filter was applied to the order and making the process of putting the transactions attributes to respective lists faster and easier.
Access control lists are made as filters. You can set up black, white and loyalty lists on the following levels:
  • Manager BWL
  • Merchant BWL
  • Processor BWL
  • Gate BWL

In order to select entries from list, specify manager and merchant/gate/processor for corresponding lists from dropdown menu.


You can also select to show only 1 category from a certain list by clicking it in Category list to the right.

exclamation Lists are being checked while processing the transaction when the respective filter gets applied.
Processor lists will be available for choosing only after you set up gate with this processor in Project Strategy/Balancing Beta. Gate lists are be available after setting up this gate in Project Strategy/Balancing Beta.

5.6.2. Black lists

The first filter checking transaction attributes(e-mail, IP, address, etc) is “Merchant black list”. You can manage these attributes(excluding BIN) from the Order details screen. The attributes could be in two statuses
  • attribute is in black list
  • attribute is not in black list
If any transaction attribute matches attribute in the lists and respective filter is enabled at the Project’s level, the transaction status is set to Filtered and the reason for filtering is saved in the transaction data. Check error codes below to pinpoint the problem.
You should be careful putting client IP address to the black list because most clients have dynamic IP which can be possessed by different clients of the same Internet provider. Mobile Internet users change IP address each time a session is created. You should also be aware that users using traffic compression services(Opera Mobile etc) come via IP address of the proxy server provided by the service, most of which are located in Europe. According to statistics if you deny IP address for more than 10 hours the filtering will be in 80% cases false positive. This is why it is not recommended to filter transactions by IP without proper control.

exclamation Before you put the IP address into the black list you should check with the Internet provider what maximal period of IP address denial you can apply. You should also check if the given IP address is in any third-party anti spam systems.

5.6.3. White lists

If the filter finds the transaction attributes in the black list the subsequent filters will not be applied. To avoid that the white lists are being used. The only attribute you can add to the white list is a card number. There exist three types of white lists
  • the list of cards which are charged manually by the Merchants
  • the list of cards which receive the money in Money Transfer
  • the list of cards which are charged manually by the Manager
The first two are used by the Merchant in case the client has any issues with the transaction. The third one is available to the Manager, usually in order to make a list of test cards. If the card number is found in any white list the other fraud control filters are not applied.

exclamation If the card number is found in any white list the third party fraud control systems’ checks are excluded either.

5.6.4. Loyalty lists (predefined lists of verified clients)

In some cases Merchants have to work with the predefined set of clients and need to add new clients automatically if certain criteria are met. Database with clients can be managed by the Merchant if it has PCI DSS certification or the Merchant can use FYST feature for this. The system allows to manage the following three types of predefined clients lists
  • the lists of the cards manually charged be the Manager
  • the lists of the clients’ names and email addresses
  • the lists of the clients’ names and phone numbers
In the typical flow the filter distinguishes the credit cards transactions and the uncontested transactions. The credit cards transactions are initially disabled in the system(in case the list of predefined clients was not loaded). If the uncontested transaction was made, e.g. e-check transaction the client’s attributes like family name, email and phone number are automatically added to loyalty lists. If the system gets the credit card transaction with the same attributes(at least two of them) the transaction is allowed and the card number is put under inspection. The inspection period is defined by the Manager and is 90 days by default. If there are no refunds or chargebacks for this card within the period of inspection all the attributes of the credit card transactions are added to loyalty lists. If there are negatives for the credit card the client is marked unreliable and all subsequent transactions with similar attributes will be denied irregardless of what payment system was used. The elements of this list can have four statuses:
  • data not available
  • the attribute is in the loyalty list: negative activity not present
  • the attribute is in the loyalty list: returns are present
  • the attribute is in the loyalty list: fraud is detected
One-time box can be checked for automatic removal of client from loyalty list after his first payment.

5.6.5. Adding new elements

To add new elements, click on the addbutton button. The type of the added criteria will be automatically identified. Ambiguous criteria type can be manually changed, as presented below. You can also use changebutton button to switch between source and destination.


5.6.6. Importing lists

In order to add many attributes to one of the lists at once, you can use importbutton import list feature.

For example, in order to add card number to list, you should have data on every line in the following order: (5555514066237247,12,2019) and then set delimiter as ‘,’.

exclamation In case of disconnect or other technical problems during the process, contact technical support.

5.6.7. Exporting to file

In order to export your data into CSV file, you can use exportbutton export to file feature.
The data will be parsed according to set parameters.
Source card number and Destination card number export will be in 6+4 format. For complete data, please contact the support service.

5.6.8. Synchronizing lists


To synchronize two merchant lists, administrator can use synchronizebutton synchronize list feature. After synchronizing, lists from both merchants will filter transactions as if you joined your two lists.

exclamation Merchants do not have access to see entries from synchronized lists.


Synchronization can be cancelled by pressing the X button near the synced lists entry.


To synchronize two gate lists, administrator can use synchronizebutton synchronize list feature. After synchronizing, lists from both gates will filter transactions as if you joined your two lists.

exclamation Merchants do not have access to see entries from synchronized lists.


Synchronization can be cancelled by pressing the X button near the synced lists entry.

5.6.9. Error codes

Typical error codes are presented here.
  • 1039: the card number of the incoming transaction is in the black list(Merchant)
  • 1022: BIN of the incoming transaction is in the black list, you are not allowed to manage this list on the Order details screen(Merchant)
  • 1079: the “purpose” field of the incoming transaction is in the black list(Merchant)
  • 1083: BIN of the receiving party for Money Transfer is in black list(Merchant)
  • 1040: IP address of the customer is in the black list(Merchant)
  • 1041: The email address of the customer is in the black list(Merchant)
  • 1077: the card number of the receiving party for Money Transfer is in black list(Merchant)
  • 1160: source card number blacklisted for merchant
  • 1147: Billing country blacklisted for merchant
  • 1152: Customer purpose blacklisted for merchant
  • 1173: Manager loyal customer e-mail check failed
  • 1174: Manager loyal customer purpose check failed
  • 1175: Manager loyal destination card number check failed
  • 1165: Merchant loyal source card number check failed
  • 1164: Merchant loyal destination card number check failed
  • 1155: Destination card number blacklisted for merchant
  • 1148: IP-address country blacklisted for merchant
  • 1104: the card number of the incoming transaction is in the black list(Manager)
  • 1108: the “purpose” field of the incoming transaction is in the black list(Manager)
  • 1105: the card number of the receiving party for Money Transfer is in black list(Manager)
  • 1106: IP address of the customer is in the black list(Manager)
  • 1107: The email address of the customer is in the black list(Manager)

5.6.10. Available lists for every role

Merchant Manager Manager Manager
by Project by Self by Gate by Processor
Black White Loyal Black White Loyal Black White Loyal Black White Loyal
Source Card Number
Destination Card Number
Country Billing
Customer Purpose
Other E-mail domain
E-mail + Source Card last 4
E-mail + Source Card number
E-mail + Source Card 6+4
Customer Phone + Source Card number
Purpose + Source Card number
DNA + Source Card number


When adding new records to the BWL lists, optionally, comments can be attached.
When adding records from order page, automatically comment will be added with transaction id.
In order to display comment, point a cursor on «…» next to record in the list.

5.6.12. Country and state codes

You can see full country code list here: Country and State Codes.

5.6.13. Order details: configuring BWL lists

To simplify access to BWL lists, you can manage them in order details management screen, as presented below: