2.6. Transaction Filters

2.6.1. General information

Transaction filters in System are intended for rejection of certain transactions on various reasons. For example, there are filters to check fraud transactions, or to check if the issuer-bank or card number is included in the White List, etc.
The Transaction filters are managed on a Project-level of the System. To set filters for the Project navigate to Fraud protection filters in the Project menu.
The icon to the left from the filter name displays it’s status. To turn a filter ON/OFF click on this icon.
Filter’s details are available by clicking on the Configure button.
The number (or multiple numbers) in “Error codes” is called decline-code, or the code of transaction’s rejection reason. This code will be displayed on the Orders screen if the transaction will get the Filtered status.
Some filters have Scoring. Scoring allows more flexible approach in filtering system and fraud control. Each filter’s score can be set from 0 to 100. Transaction goes through different filters and each triggered filter adds it’s own score to transaction. If transaction reaches 100 score - it gets Filtered; if not - it passes through. Turned OFF filters have 0 score.
Filters are also available on Endpoint-level of the System. Filter settings on Endpoint-level override Project-level settings.
Some Filter parameters can be added only from the Order information screen.


Acquirer restrictions on Gate and Processor levels can be found in acquirer_restrictions

2.6.2. Fraud protection filters

Rule name Rule description
Technical filters Technical filters compare two or more merchant requests to detect and prevent duplicate invoice payments. All filters in this category could be applied to requests in a short period of time since the moment of the transaction received by our system.
Referral filters Referral checks allow to establish block and trust lists of both good and bad transaction attributes, affecting the risk score based on a known trend on many different customer attributes.
Velocity filters Velocity checks allow merchants to set velocity thresholds on various customer attributes, controlling how often a customer can attempt transactions. These checks are intended to identify high-speed fraud attacks. Velocity Rules are calculated at the merchant account level. If a merchant has several merchant accounts under their company account, velocity counts do not aggregate across the entire company if not specified additionally. For example: A single credit card is used for 2 transactions in merchant account A and 3 transactions in Merchant Account B. The Velocity Rule counts 2 in Account A and 3 in Account B. An abandonment of the shopper after redirecting to a payment method or 3-D Secure is counted as an attempt and adds to the count for velocity rules as declined transaction. But not all of these abandoned attempts can be found in the payment list, it depends on the exact integration with PSP.
Consistency filters Consistency checks compare two or more transaction attributes with each other.
Custom business validations Additional validations and risk profiles defined by the manager.

2.6.3. Technical filters

Name Description Score Enabled by default Parameters Error codes
Name Type Default Description # Code Name
Detecting and preventing duplicate requests Merchant request with the same request parameters will be filtered out No N Checking interval in seconds int 15 max interval in seconds to check duplicate request 10001 1007 Duplicate request
Detecting and preventing duplicate invoices Merchant request with the same client order ID will be filtered out No N Checking interval in seconds int 30 max interval in seconds to check duplicate invoices, set to 0 for infinity 10048 1058 Duplicate invoice
Skip unapproved transactions String Y Y - to skip sessions in Error, Failed, Limited or Rejected status status, N - otherwise      
Skip error transactions String Y Y - to skip to skip sessions in Filtered, Declined or Cancelled status status, N - otherwise      
Detecting and preventing accidental duplicate credit card number usage Customer request for the current merchant with the same credit card number will be filtered out No N Checking interval in seconds int 30 max interval in seconds to check duplicate credit card number usage, values more then 60 seconds are ignored 10087 1097 Duplicate credit card
Skip unapproved transactions String Y Y - to skip sessions in Filtered or Declined status, N - otherwise      
Declined transactions This check fires when the number of declined transactions associated with exact Credit Card number and Invoice number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction, all transactions dates are truncated to minutes during window calculation. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 declines in 60 minutes, it fires on the 11th decline in 60 minutes. Counts transactions for Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Filtered or Declined status. The limit is calculated for the current End point if parameter “for all merchant projects” set to N, or for all Merchant Projects if parameter set to Y No N Checking interval in minutes int 30 time frame to calculate declines count in minutes, values more then 24 hours are ignored 10009 1013 Too many declines for the same credit card number and invoice
Maximum declines count int 2 maximum number of declined or filtered transactions allowed      
For all Merchant projects String N Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current Merchant, otherwise check transactions for current end point only      
Preventing new transactions with source card which has previous attempt in unknown status This check fires when customer tries to perform new card transaction while last transaction with the same source card still has non-final unknown status for past N minutes (max 1 hour). Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in unknown status. No N Checking interval in minutes int 60 Max interval in minutes to check existing unknown operation 10259 1269 Customer card has previous transactions in unknown status
for all merchant projects String N Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant N - check transactions for current end point only      

2.6.4. Referral filters

When transaction is filtered by merchant blacklist, the API response message will have the following structure: “Transaction declined - please contact support with the following code: {error code}:{error #}” This message is relevant only for merchant black lists and can be displayed to the customer instead of actual filtering reason.

Name Description Score Enabled by default Parameters Error codes
Name Type Default Description # Code Name
Blacklist check (BL) Allows blacklisting of specified clients based on various criteria such as email, IP address, etc No Y For all merchant projects String Y Y - to check blacklists for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check blacklists for current project only 10002 1022 Credit card blacklisted
10094 1104 Credit card blacklisted
10029 1039 Credit card issuer blacklisted
10067 1077 Destination credit card blacklisted
10095 1105 Destination credit card blacklisted
10125 1135 Destination credit card issuer blacklisted
10030 1040 IP address blacklisted
10096 1106 IP address blacklisted
10031 1041 Email blacklisted
10097 1107 Email blacklisted
10069 1079 Destination blacklisted
10098 1108 Destination blacklisted
10137 1147 Billing country blacklisted for merchant
10138 1148 IP-address country blacklisted for merchant
10139 1149 Customer e-mail blacklisted for merchant
10140 1150 Customer fingerprint blacklisted for merchant
10141 1151 Customer ip-address blacklisted for merchant
10142 1152 Customer purpose blacklisted for merchant
10143 1153 Destination card bin blacklisted for merchant
10144 1154 Destination card country blacklisted for merchant
10145 1155 Destination card number blacklisted for merchant
10146 1156 Destination card type blacklisted for merchant
10147 1157 E-mail domain blacklisted for merchant
10148 1158 Source card bin blacklisted for merchant
10149 1159 Source card country blacklisted for merchant
10150 1160 Source card number blacklisted for merchant
10151 1161 Source card type blacklisted for merchant
Predefined emails whitelist check (ABL) Allows processing for trusted customers only. Different merchants have different definitions of a trusted customer, this filter allows processing for customers with emails uploaded by ABL batch only. Transactions for customers which emails are not listed in ABL will be filtered out. Filter will be applied for chosen countries only, for all other countries check will be ignored Yes N Issuer country identifier String * apply filter for selected countries only, country defined by credit card issuer 10068 1078 Email blacklisted
IP country identifier String * apply filter for selected countries only, country defined by customer IP      
For all merchant projects String Y Y - to check customer email in email anti-blacklists for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check in email list for current project only      
Ban untrusted networks Allows to make block lists based on the specific IP address ranges of the customer. Merchants are able to submit IP address ranges in either IPv4 or IPv6 format via CSV upload. No N Customer ip ranges File   file format example:, fd00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000, fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff 10034 1044 Untrusted network
Credit Card Whitelist check Allows ignoring all other fraud filters for selected credit cards. Sometimes customer’s behavior can lead to the unfortunate situation where a shopper is completely unable to process transactions. You can whitelist a customer’s credit card so they can successfully process their transaction. White list will be applied only before total transactions amount for the last month for this credit will not reach the limit specified by filter parameters. White list could be specified for: the exact source card number by manager and merchant, the exact destination card number by merchant or the whole source card number issuer BIN range. N/A Y Up to amount Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last month for this credit card to allow credit card to be whitelisted. If this limit reached, whitelist will be ignored      
For all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount for the last month for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with “up to amount” value      
Customer fingerprint   Yes N Add to black list threshold Decimal 10.0   10035 1045 Fraud suspicious activity
Block transaction threshold Decimal 3.5   10039 1049 Fraud suspicious activity
Check reader entry mode If reader entry mode not in allowed list and this list is configured - filter declines transaction No N         10088 1098 Incorrect reader entry mode
Loyal Customer check

System allows to manage following three types of predefined clients lists:

  • the lists of the cards managed by Manager
  • the lists of the clients’ names and email addresses managed by Merchant
  • the lists of the clients’ names and phone numbers managed by Merchant

In the typical flow the filter distinguishes the credit cards transactions and the uncontested transactions. The credit cards transactions are initially disabled in the system(in case the list of predefined clients was not loaded). If the uncontested transaction was made, e.g. e-check transaction the client’s attributes like family name, email and phone number are automatically added to anti black lists. If the system gets the credit card transaction with the same attributes(at least two of them) the transaction is allowed and the card number is put under inspection. The inspection period is defined by the Manager and is 90 days by default. If there are no refunds or chargebacks for this card within the period of inspection all the attributes of the credit card transactions are added to anti black lists. If there are negatives for the credit card the client is marked unreliable and all subsequent transactions with similar attributes will be denied irregardless of what payment system was used. The elements of this list can have four statuses:

  • data not available
  • the attribute is in the anti black list: negative activity not present
  • the attribute is in the anti black list: returns are present
  • the attribute is in the anti black list: fraud is detected
No N Strategy String MLL+GLL GLL - accept only credit cards for loyal clients for whom period of disloyalty have passed MLL+GLL - accept both credit cards and APM’s for loyal clients 10046 1056 Disloyal customer
Credit card period of disloyalty int 90 the period to consider credit card transaction as suspicious one, during this period transaction from this credit card would be accepted only if other attributes of it could be found in merchant loyalty lists by name and phone or email, after this period transaction would be accepted for any manager project by card number only, no matter if its other attributes could be found in merchant loyalty lists or not      
Deny type String F+R customer attributes will be removed from both merchant and manager loyalty lists in case of getting F - fraud transaction only R - reversal transaction only F+R - both fraud and reversal transactions      
Payment Method check This check can be used to apply higher or lower risk scores to transactions based on the payment method used. Some payment methods have higher or lower correlations with fraud. This check allows merchants to affect the risk score based on the payment method behavior that have noted with their fraudsters and good users Ind N         10047 1057 Payment method is restricted
Email Domain blacklist This referral list allows the merchant to make block lists based on the domain of the provided customer email address. By default this list includes one time email domains collected on regular basis. Yes N Customer email domains File   file format example: google.com hotmail.com 10033 1043 Email server blacklisted
IP address Country check This referral list allows the merchant to process transactions only for selected countries based on country of the customer IP address. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check No N Country identifier String   comma separated country identifiers list 10014 1024 Country not in trust list
Issuer Country check This referral list allows the merchant to process transactions only for selected countries based on issuing country of the card. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Check applied for both Source and Destination card numbers. No N Country identifier String   comma separated country identifiers list 10015 1025 Issuer country not in trust list
Billing Country check This referral list allows the merchant to process transactions only for selected countries based on billing country of the customer. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. No N Country identifier String   comma separated country identifiers list 10112 1122 Billing country not in trust list
IP address Country blacklist This referral list allows the merchant to make block lists based on country of the customer IP address. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. No N Country identifier String   comma separated country identifiers list 10028 1038 Country in blacklist
Issuer Country blacklist This referral list allows the merchant to make block lists based on issuing country of the card. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Check applied for both Source and Destination card numbers. No N Country identifier String   comma separated country identifiers list 10027 1037 Issuer country in blacklist
Billing Country blacklist This referral list allows the merchant to make block lists based on billing country of the customer. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. No N Country identifier String   comma separated country identifiers list 10113 1123 Billing country in blacklist
Issuer Country blacklist by Payment method This referral list allows the merchant to make block lists based on issuing country of the card for selected payment method. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Check applied for both Source and Destination card numbers. Yes N         10123 1133 Issuer country in blacklist for selected payment method
Transaction amount check This check can be used to apply higher risk scores to transactions based on the transaction amount. Ind N         10032 1042 Incorrect transaction amount
Source Credit Card type check This referral list allows the merchant to process transactions only for selected Source Credit Card types (Business, Corporate, etc). Counts Sale and Transfer transactions. No N forbidden card level types String PREPAID, REWARD comma separated card level type list. Typical card types: PREPAID, REWARDS, VIRTUAL, CASH, ATM, STANDARD, CLASSIC, GOLD, SIGNATURE, PLATINUM, ELECTRON, CORPORATE, BUSINESS, WORLD, DEBIT and variations like GOLD REWARDS, WORLD CORPORATE, etc. 10127 1137 Unsupported product type
Destination Credit Card type check This referral list allows the merchant to process transactions only for selected Destination Credit Card types (Business, Corporate, etc). Counts Sale and Transfer transactions. No N forbidden card level types String PREPAID, REWARD comma separated card level type list. Typical card types: PREPAID, REWARDS, VIRTUAL, CASH, ATM, STANDARD, CLASSIC, GOLD, SIGNATURE, PLATINUM, ELECTRON, CORPORATE, BUSINESS, WORLD, DEBIT and variations like GOLD REWARDS, WORLD CORPORATE, etc. 10129 1139 Unsupported destination product type

2.6.5. Velocity filters

Name Description Score Enabled by default Parameters Error codes
Name Type Default Description # Code Name
Source Credit Card Number decline frequency for last 24 hours (daily decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Declined or Filtered status. Yes N For all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10083 1093 Daily decline amount limit exceeded for sender
Amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Source card 10084 1094 Daily decline quantity limit exceeded for sender
Quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Source card      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Source Credit Card Number increasing sequence of approved transaction amounts for last 24 hours (daily rising limit) This check fires when the number of approved transactions with increasing amount associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 increasing transactions, it fires on the 11th increasing transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account in the same project. Yes N Quantity limit Int 99999 maximum transactions count with increasing amount for the last 24 hours for this credit card number 10022 1032 Too many transactions with increasing amounts for sender
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N For all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10016 1026 Daily amount limit exceeded for sender
Amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Source card 10017 1027 Daily quantity limit exceeded for sender
Quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Source card      
Skip payouts String Y allows to process Payout transactions even when the count or amount exceeds the thresholds      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N For all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10018 1028 Weekly amount limit exceeded for sender
Amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Source card 10019 1029 Weekly quantity limit exceeded for sender
Quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Source card      
Skip payouts String Y allows to process Payout transactions even when the count or amount exceeds the thresholds      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N For all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last one month for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10020 1030 Monthly amount limit exceeded for sender
Amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this credit card used as Source card 10021 1031 Monthly quantity limit exceeded for sender
Quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this credit card used as Source card      
Skip payouts String Y allows to process Payout transactions even when the count or amount exceeds the thresholds      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Destination Credit Card Number usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10049 1059 Daily amount limit exceeded for recipient
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Destination card 10050 1060 Daily quantity limit exceeded for recipient
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Destination card      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Destination Credit Card Number usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10051 1061 Weekly amount limit exceeded for recipient
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Destination card 10052 1062 Weekly quantity limit exceeded for recipient
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Destination card      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Destination Credit Card Number usage frequency for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last one month for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10053 1063 Monthly amount limit exceeded for recipient
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this credit card used as Destination card 10054 1064 Monthly quantity limit exceeded for recipient
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this credit card used as Destination card      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Total Credit Card Number usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact credit card number used as Source or Destination exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10055 1065 Daily total amount limit exceeded for sender
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Source or Destination 10056 1066 Daily total quantity limit exceeded for sender
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Source or Destination 10057 1067 Daily total amount limit exceeded for recipient
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds 10058 1068 Daily total quantity limit exceeded for recipient
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Total Credit Card Number usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact credit card number used as Source or Destination exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10059 1069 Weekly total amount limit exceeded for sender
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Source or Destination 10060 1070 Weekly total quantity limit exceeded for sender
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Source or Destination 10061 1071 Weekly total amount limit exceeded for recipient
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds 10062 1072 Weekly total quantity limit exceeded for recipient
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Total Credit Card Number usage frequency for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact credit card number used as Source or Destination exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last one month for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10063 1073 Monthly total amount limit exceeded for sender
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this credit card used as Source or Destination 10064 1074 Monthly total quantity limit exceeded for sender
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this credit card used as Source or Destination 10065 1075 Monthly total amount limit exceeded for recipient
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds 10066 1076 Monthly total quantity limit exceeded for recipient
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Purpose usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10040 1050 Daily amount limit exceeded for purpose
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this Purpose 10041 1051 Daily quantity limit exceeded for purpose
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this Purpose      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Purpose usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10042 1052 Weekly amount limit exceeded for purpose
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this Purpose 10043 1053 Weekly quantity limit exceeded for purpose
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this Purpose      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Purpose usage frequency for for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last one month for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10044 1054 Monthly amount limit exceeded for purpose
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this Purpose 10045 1055 Monthly quantity limit exceeded for purpose
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this Purpose      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Email usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Email address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10073 1083 Daily amount limit exceeded for email address
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this Email address 10074 1084 Daily quantity limit exceeded for email address
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this Email address      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Email usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Email address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10075 1085 Weekly amount limit exceeded for email address
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this Email address 10076 1086 Weekly quantity limit exceeded for email address
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this Email address      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Email usage frequency for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Email address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last one month for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10077 1087 Monthly amount limit exceeded for email address
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this Email address 10078 1088 Monthly quantity limit exceeded for email address
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this Email address      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
IP address usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact IP address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10100 1110 Daily amount limit exceeded for IP address
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this IP address 10101 1111 Daily quantity limit exceeded for IP address
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this IP address      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
IP address usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact IP address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10102 1112 Weekly amount limit exceeded for IP address
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this IP address 10103 1113 Weekly quantity limit exceeded for IP address
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this IP address      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
IP address usage frequency for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact IP address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last one month for this credit card value would be calculated: - Y: for all projects - 3DS: for 3DS gates only - Non-3DS: for non-3DS gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values 10104 1114 Monthly amount limit exceeded for IP address
amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this IP address 10105 1115 Monthly quantity limit exceeded for IP address
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this IP address      
Subtract Cancel transactions String Y subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for Purpose This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 6 hours. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in any status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 12 time frame to calculate unique credit card numbers count 10071 1081 Too many credit cards used for the same account
maximum card number count Int 5 maximum number of unique credit cards      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for Email address This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Email address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 6 hours. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in any status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 12 time frame to calculate unique credit card numbers count 10091 1101 Too many credit cards used for the same Email address
maximum card number count Int 5 maximum number of unique credit cards      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for First and Last name This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Customer First and Last names exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 6 hours. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in any status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 12 time frame to calculate unique credit card numbers count 10092 1102 Too many credit cards used for the same customer
maximum card number count Int 5 maximum number of unique credit cards      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for Destination Credit Card number This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Destination Credit Card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 6 hours. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in any status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Decimal 12.00 time frame to calculate unique credit card numbers count 10093 1103 Too many credit cards used for the same destination card
maximum card number count Int 5 maximum number of unique credit cards      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for Email or IP address This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Email or IP address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 6 hours. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in Approved status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 24 time frame to calculate unique credit card numbers count 10026 1036 Too many credit cards used for the same email or IP address
maximum card number count Int 3 maximum number of unique credit cards      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency This check fires when the number of requests associated with exact Source Credit Card exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 requests in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th request in 6 hours. Counts requests count for Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved or Declined status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 24 time frame to calculate requests count 10072 1082 Too many requests for the same credit card
maximum number of requests Int 5 maximum number of requests allowed      
Customer IP address usage frequency This check fires when the number of requests associated with exact Customer IP address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 requests in 60 minutes, it fires on the 11th request in 60 minutes. Counts requests count for Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved or Declined status for the current Merchant. Local IP addresses are ignored. Requests from IP address listed in “Merchant API IP address” list are ignored, i.e. if merchant initiates the request from IP address X.X.X.X and knowingly sets customer_ip_address to Y.Y.Y.Y for each transaction, but address X.X.X.X classified as “API IP address” for this merchant, this check will be ignored. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 10 time frame to calculate requests count 10115 1125 Too many requests for the same IP address
maximum number of requests Int 5 maximum number of requests allowed      
Credit Card number already used from another IP address This check fires when the Credit Card number has already been successfully used from a different IP address. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account. Analyses Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in minutes, set to 0 for infinity (not recommended) 10008 1006 Too many IP addresses for the same credit card number
Credit Card number already used from another Country This check fires when the Credit Card number has already been successfully used from another Country. IP address is used to calculate customers country code. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account. Analyses Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Yes N         10079 1089 Too many countries for the same credit card number
Credit Card number already used with another Email This check fires when the Credit Card number has already been successfully used with a different Email address. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account. Analyses Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in minutes, set to 0 for infinity (not recommended) 10007 1005 Too many Emails for the same credit card number
Credit Card number already used with another Purpose This check fires when the Credit Card number has already been successfully used with a different Purpose. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account. Analyses Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in minutes, set to 0 for infinity (not recommended) 10081 1091 Too many purposes for the same credit card number
Credit Card number already used with another Cardholder name This check fires when the Credit Card number has already been successfully used with another Cardholder name. Distances between current Cardholder name and existing ones are calculated using Levenshtein algorithm. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account. Analyses Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in hours 10089 1099 Too many cardholder names for the same credit card number
greatest levenshtein distance Int 3 greatest levenshtein distance to consider both cardholder names equal      
Customer IP address already used by another Cardholder This check fires when the Customer IP address has already been successfully used with a different Cardholder name. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account. Analyses Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in minutes 10006 1004 Too many card holders from the same IP address
Customer Email address already used by another Cardholder This check fires when the Customer Email has already been successfully used with a different Cardholder name. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. This check only cross-checks transactions within the same merchant account. Analyses Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in minutes 10005 1003 Too many card holders for the same Email
Source Credit Card Number approved transaction interval This check fires when the interval for the last approved transaction associated with exact Source credit card number lesser the configured thresholds. The time threshold is time window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction below the set threshold. So, you set a threshold of 10 minutes and the last approved transaction time is 10:00:00, it fires until 10:10:01. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Approved status. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in minutes 10023 1033 Too many approved transactions for the same credit card number
for all merchant projects String N Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check transactions for current project only      
Source Credit Card Number declined transaction interval This check fires when the interval for the last declined transaction associated with exact Source credit card number lesser the configured thresholds. The time threshold is time window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction below the set threshold. So, you set a threshold of 10 minutes and the last approved transaction time is 10:00:00, it fires untill 10:10:01. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Declined or Filtered status. Yes N checking interval in minutes Int 30 time frame to analyse approved transactions in minutes 10085 1095 Too many declined transactions for the same credit card number
for all merchant projects String N Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check transactions for current project only      
Source Credit Card Number Issuer Country change frequency for current Purpose This check fires when the number of Countries, calculated for Source Credit Card number issuer, associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 2 Countries in 24 hours, it fires on the 3rd unique Country in 24 hours for the same Purpose. Counts unique Source Credit Card number issuer Countries for Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in Approved status for the current Merchant. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 24 time frame to calculate countries count 10122 1132 Too many countries per account
maximum countries count Int 5 maximum number of countries per one purpose allowed      
ignore BINs String   requests for listed BINs are ignoring this check      
Reversal frequency This check fires when the number or ratio of reversal transactions calculated for the whole merchant or for the exact merchant project exceeds the configured thresholds. Ratio is calculated for the full lifetime, absolute number could be limited for the whole lifetime or on daily basis from 00:00:00 till 23:59:59. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 5 reversals, it fires on the 6th one. Ratio calculation is based on transitions count, i.e. total reversal transactions count divided by total sale transactions count. Counts Sale and Capture transactions in Approved status and Reversal and Void transactions. Yes N percentage ratio Decimal 101.00 maximum allowable ratio of reversal transactions calculated by transaction count in percent (from 0 to 100) 10036 1046 Too high reversal ratio
absolute number Int 99999 maximum allowable number of reversal transactions 10037 1047 Too many reversals
daily absolute number Int 9999 maximum allowable number of reversal transactions per day 10038 1048 Too many reversals today
for all merchant projects String N Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check transactions for current project only      
Fingerprint usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this Fingerprint 10170 1180 Daily fingerprint amount limit exceeded for fingerprint
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this Fingerprint 10171 1181 Daily fingerprint quantity limit exceeded for fingerprint
Subtract Cancel transactions String N subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
for all merchant projects String Y Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check transactions for current project only      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Fingerprint usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this Fingerprint 10172 1182 Weekly fingerprint amount limit exceeded for fingerprint
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this credit Fingerprint 10173 1183 Weekly fingerprint quantity limit exceeded for fingerprint
Subtract Cancel transactions String N subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
for all merchant projects String Y Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check transactions for current project only      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Fingerprint usage frequency for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this Fingerprint 10174 1184 Monthly fingerprint amount limit exceeded for fingerprint
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this credit Fingerprint 10175 1185 Monthly fingerprint quantity limit exceeded for fingerprint
Subtract Cancel transactions String N subtracts Cancelled transactions from the calculated count and amount thresholds      
for all merchant projects String Y Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check transactions for current project only      
Use calendar days String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for Fingerprint This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 6 hours. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in any status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 12 time frame to calculate unique card number count 10176 1186 Too many source credit cards used for the same fingerprint
maximum card count Int 5 maximum number of unique card numbers      
Source Credit Card number Issuer Country change frequency for current Device Fingerprint This check fires when the number of Countries, calculated for Source Credit Card number issuer, associated with exact Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 2 Countries in 24 hours, it fires on the 3rd unique Country in 24 hours for the same Purpose. Counts unique Source Credit Card number issuer Countries for Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in Approved status for the current Merchant. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 12 time frame to calculate unique card number count 10177 1187 Too many countries for the same fingerprint
maximum countries count Int 5 maximum number of countries for one fingerprint      
Destination Credit Card Number usage frequency for Device fingerprint This check fires when the number of Destination Credit Cards associated with exact Device Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards in 6 hours, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 6 hours. Counts unique Destination Credit Card numbers for Transfer transactions in any status for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 12 time frame to calculate unique destination credit card numbers count 10178 1188 Too many destination credit cards used for the same fingerprint
maximum card count Int 5 maximum number of unique destination credit cards      
Destination Credit Card number Issuer Country change frequency for current Device fingerprint This check fires when the number of Countries, calculated for Destination Credit Card number issuer, associated with exact Device Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 2 Countries in 24 hours, it fires on the 3rd unique Country in 24 hours for the same Fingerprint. Counts unique Destination Credit Card number issuer Countries for Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in Approved status for the current Merchant. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 12 time frame to calculate unique card number count 10179 1189 Too many destination credit cards countries used for the same fingerprint
maximum countries count Int 5 maximum number of destination countries for one fingerprint      
Email usage frequency for Device fingerprint This check fires when the number of Purpose associated with exact Device Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 2 Purpose in 24 hours, it fires on the 3rd unique Purpose in 24 hours for the same Fingerprint. Counts unique Purposes for all types of transactions for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 24 time frame to calculate unique emails count 10180 1190 Too many emails used for the same fingerprint
maximum emails count Int 5 maximum number of emails for one fingerprint      
Purpose usage frequency for Device fingerprint This check fires when the number of Purpose associated with exact Device Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 2 Purpose in 24 hours, it fires on the 3rd unique Purpose in 24 hours for the same Fingerprint. Counts unique Purposes for all types of transactions for the current Merchant. Yes N checking interval in hours Int 24 time frame to calculate unique purposes count 10181 1191 Too many purposes used for the same fingerprint
maximum purposes count Int 5 maximum number of purposes for one fingerprint      
Account Number usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Account number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. No N amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this account number      
for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 24 hours for this credit card value would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values      
quantity limit Int 99999999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for this account number      
skip payouts String N ignore payouts      
subtract Cancel transactions String N ignore cancel transactions for two-stage payments      
use calendar day String N “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Account Number usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Account number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. No N amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this account number      
calendar week starts from Sunday String N
  • Y: calendar week starts from Sunday
  • N: calendar week starts from Monday
for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card value would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values      
quantity limit Int 99999999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this account number calculated      
skip payouts String N ignore payouts      
subtract Cancel transactions String N ignore cancel transactions for two-stage payments      
use calendar week String N “Y” For calculation using calendar week instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
Account Number usage frequency for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Account number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. No N amount limit Decimal 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last one month for this account number      
for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last one month for this credit card value would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values      
quantity limit Int 99999999 maximum total transactions count for the last one month for this account number      
skip payouts String N ignore payouts      
subtract Cancel transactions String N ignore cancel transactions for two-stage payments      
use calendar month String N “Y” For calculation using calendar month instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled      
BIN range usage frequency This check fires when the number of transactions associated with the specific card BIN range exceeds the configured thresholds, also can specify a list of card BIN range exceptions for which checks will not be performed. The maximum time threshold is a 300 seconds window, calculated backwards from the moment of the first transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 300 seconds. Counts Sale, Preauth, Payouts or Transfer transactions. Yes N bin range exceptions     card BIN range list for which checks will not be performed 10202 1212 Exceeding the limit of cards associated with the same card BIN range
checking interval in seconds Int 60 max interval in seconds to check transactions associated with the same card issuer country, values more then 300 seconds or less 10 seconds are ignored      
quantity limit Int 10 pick a value for the number of transactions over which the filter will be fired      
skip declined transactions String N Y - to skip sessions in Filtered or Declined status, N - otherwise      
Issuer country usage frequency This check fires when the number of transactions associated with the same card issuer country exceeds the configured thresholds. The maximum time threshold is a 300 seconds window calculated backwards from the moment of the first transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 300 seconds. Counts Sale, Preauth, Payouts or Transfer transactions. Yes N checking interval in seconds Int 60 max interval in seconds to check transactions associated with the same card issuer country, values more then 300 seconds or less 10 seconds are ignored 10199 1209 Exceeding the limit of cards issued in the same country
quantity limit Int 10 pick a value for the number of transactions over which the filter will be fired      
skip country identifier     сhoose the countries where the filter will be applied      
skip declined transactions String N Y - to skip sessions in Filtered or Declined status, N - otherwise      
Preventing transaction with the same amount This check fires when more than one transaction is made with same amount in a time threshold (in seconds). The maximum time threshold is a 300 seconds window, calculated backwards from the moment of the first transaction. The risk fires on the second transaction with the same amount during set time threshold. Counts Sale, Preauth, Payouts or Transfer transactions. Yes N checking interval in seconds Int 60 max interval in seconds to check requests with the same amount, values more then 300 seconds or less 10 seconds are ignored 10198 1208 Such transaction amount has already been processed in the set threshold of time
skip declined transactions String N Y - to skip sessions in Filtered or Declined status, N - otherwise      
Purpose usage frequency for last year (annual limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one year window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 100 transactions, it fires on the 101th transaction in one year. Calculation of the year can be started from the beginning of the calendar year or from the filter activation truncated to the month and - 11 months. I.e. if you activated the filter on May 15, 2021, the filter will consider transactions from June 2020. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status. Yes N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last year for this Purpose 10200 1210 Annual amount limit exceeded for purpose
for all merchant projects String Y current total transactions amount or count for the last year for this Purpose value would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount or quantity limit values      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last year for this Purpose 10201 1211 Annual quantity limit exceeded for purpose
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
use calendar year String N        
Abnormal transaction time This check fires when transactions are received outside the set time period. So, if you set the time period from 10:00 to 20:00, it fires on any transaction from 0:00 to 9:59 and from 20:00 to 0:00. The time is set in the GMT+3 time zone. Counts Sale, Preauth, Payouts or Transfer transactions. Yes N time period from Decimal 10:00   10203 1213 Transaction in abnormal time
time period to Decimal 19:00        
time zone Int 3        
Source Credit Card Number decline frequency for last week (weekly decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Source card 10206 1216
Weekly decline amount limit exceeded for sender
calendar week starts from Sunday String N
  • Y: calendar week starts from Sunday
  • N: calendar week starts from Monday
for all merchant projects String N

current total transactions amount or count for the last 7 days for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit

quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Source card 10207 1217 Weekly decline quantity limit exceeded for sender
use calendar year String N        
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency per Email address for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Email address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 24 hours. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in any status for the current Merchant.   N approved only String N counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in approved status    
Daily card number count limit exceeded for email address
maximum card number count Int 99999 maximum total card number count for the last 24 hours for this Email address 10208 1218
use calendar day String N        
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency per Email address for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Email address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 7 days.   N approved only String N counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in approved status      
calendar week starts from Sunday String N
  • Y: calendar week starts from Sunday
  • N: calendar week starts from Monday
maximum card number count Int 99999 maximum total card number count for the last 24 hours for this Email address 10209 1219 Weekly card number count limit exceeded for email address
use calendar week String N        
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency per Email address for last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number of Source Credit Cards associated with exact Email address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 Credit Cards, it fires on the 11th unique Credit Card in 1 month. Counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in any status for the current Merchant.   N approved only String N counts unique Source Credit Card numbers for Sale or Preauth transactions in approved status    
Monthly card number count limit exceeded for email address
maximum card number count Int 99999 maximum total card number count for the last month for this Email address 10210 1220
use calendar month String N        
Source Credit Card Number usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this credit card used as Source card 10211 1221
Specified period amount limit exceeded for sender
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this credit card value would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 7 days for this credit card used as Source card 10212 1222 Specified period quantity limit exceeded for sender
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
Destination Credit Card Number usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this credit card used as Destination card 10213 1223
Specified period amount limit exceeded for recipient
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this Destination card value would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last N days for this credit card used as Destination card 10214 1224 Specified period quantity limit exceeded for recipient
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
Total Credit Card Number usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact credit card number used as Source or Destination exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this credit card used as Source or Destination card





Specified period total amount limit exceeded for sender Specified period total amount limit exceeded for recipient
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this credit card value would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last N days for this credit card used as Source or Destination card





Specified period total quantity limit exceeded for sender Specified period total quantity limit exceeded for recipient
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
Purpose usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this Purpose 10219 1229
Specified period amount limit exceeded for purpose
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this Purpose would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last N days for this Purpose 10220 1230 Specified period quantity limit exceeded for purpose
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
Email usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Email exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this Email 10221 1231
Specified period amount limit exceeded for email address
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this Email would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last N days for this Email 10222 1232 Specified period quantity limit exceeded for email address
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
IP address usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact IP address exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this IP address 10223 1233
Specified period amount limit exceeded for IP address
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this IP address would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last N days for this IP address 10224 1234 Specified period quantity limit exceeded for IP address
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
Fingerprint usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Fingerprint exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this Fingerprint 10225 1235
Specified period amount limit exceeded for fingerprint
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this Fingerprint would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last N days for this Fingerprint 10226 1236 Specified period quantity limit exceeded for fingerprint
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
Account Number usage frequency for last N days This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Account Number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a N days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. The N parameter (date period) can be set from 1 to 30. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in N days. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the approved status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last N days for this Account Number 10227 1237
Specified period amount limit exceeded for account number
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last N days for this Account Number would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
for last N days Int 1 date period can be set from 1 to 30 days      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last N days for this Account Number 10228 1238 Specified period quantity limit exceeded for account number
subtract Cancel transactions String N        
Source Credit Card Number decline frequency for last month (monthly decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Source credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last month for this credit card used as Source card 10229 1239
Monthly decline amount limit exceeded for sender
for all merchant projects String N

current total transactions amount or count for the last month for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit

quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last month for this credit card used as Source card 10230 1240 Monthly decline quantity limit exceeded for sender
use calendar month String N        
Destination Credit Card Number decline frequency for last 24 hours (daily decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this credit card used as Destination card 10231 1241
Daily decline amount limit exceeded for recipient
for all merchant projects String N

current total transactions amount or count for the last day for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit

quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last day for this credit card used as Destination card 10232 1242 Daily decline quantity limit exceeded for recipient
use calendar day String N        
Destination Credit Card Number decline frequency for last week (weekly decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last week for this credit card used as Destination card 10233 1243
Weekly decline amount limit exceeded for recipient
calendar week starts from Sunday String N
  • Y: calendar week starts from Sunday
  • N: calendar week starts from Monday
for all merchant projects String N

current total transactions amount or count for the last week for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit

quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last week for this credit card used as Destination card 10234 1244 Weekly decline quantity limit exceeded for recipient
use calendar year String N        
Destination Credit Card Number decline frequency for last month (monthly decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last month for this credit card used as Destination card 10235 1245
Monthly decline amount limit exceeded for recipient
for all merchant projects String N

current total transactions amount or count for the last month for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit

quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last month for this credit card used as Destination card 10236 1246 Monthly decline quantity limit exceeded for recipient
use calendar day String N        
Total Credit Card Number decline frequency for last 24 hours (daily decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Source or Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for this credit card Destination card





Daily decline total amount limit exceeded for sender Daily decline total amount limit exceeded for recipient
for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last day for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last day for this credit card





Daily decline total quantity limit exceeded for sender Daily decline total quantity limit exceeded for recipient
use calendar day String N        
Total Credit Card Number decline frequency for last week (weekly decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Source or Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last week for this credit card





Weekly decline total amount limit exceeded for sender Weekly decline total amount limit exceeded for recipient
calendar week starts from Sunday String N
  • Y: calendar week starts from Sunday
  • N: calendar week starts from Monday
for all merchant projects String N

current total transactions amount or count for the last week for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit

quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last week for this credit card





Weekly decline total quantity limit exceeded for sender Weekly decline total quantity limit exceeded for recipient
use calendar week String N        
Total Credit Card Number decline frequency for last month (monthly decline limit) This check fires when the number or amount of declined transactions associated with exact Source or Destination credit card number exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in the Declined status.   N amount limit Int 999999999 maximum total transactions amount for the last month for this credit card





Monthly decline total amount limit exceeded for sender

Monthly decline total amount limit exceeded for recipient

for all merchant projects String N current total transactions amount or count for the last month for this credit card would be calculated - Y: for all projects - 3D: for 3D gates only - Non3D: for non 3D gates only - N: for current project only of the current merchant and converted to current project currency to compare with amount limit values    
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last month for this credit card





Monthly decline total quantity limit exceeded for sender

Monthly decline total quantity limit exceeded for recipient

use calendar day String N        
Customer IP address anonymous VPN This check fires when customer IP address is considered as anonymous VPN by MaxMind service. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter parameter value String Y Y - to filter if condition is true, N - to filter if condition is false 10250 1260 Customer ip address is anonymous vpn
Customer IP address anonymous This check fires when customer IP address is considered as anonymous by MaxMind service. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter parameter value String Y Y - to filter if condition is true, N - to filter if condition is false 10251 1261 Customer ip address is anonymous
Customer IP Hosting Provider This check fires when customer IP address belongs to a hosting or VPN provider considered by MaxMind service. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter parameter value String Y Y - to filter if condition is true, N - to filter if condition is false 10252 1262 Customer ip address is hosting provider
Customer IP Public Proxy This check fires when customer IP address belongs to a public proxy considered by MaxMind service. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter parameter value String Y Y - to filter if condition is true, N - to filter if condition is false 10253 1263 Customer ip address is public proxy
Customer IP Residential Proxy This check fires when customer IP address belongs to a hosting or VPN provider considered by MaxMind service. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter parameter value String Y Y - to filter if condition is true, N - to filter if condition is false 10254 1264 Customer ip address is residential proxy
Customer IP Tor Exit This check fires when customer IP address is a Tor exit node considered by MaxMind service. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter parameter value String Y Y - to filter if condition is true, N - to filter if condition is false 10255 1265 Customer ip address is tor exit node
Customer static IP score This check fires when customer IP address static IP score which is considered by MaxMind service is lower or equal to the settled threshold value. Higher values meaning a greater static association. For example, many IP addresses with a user type of cellular have a score under one. Broadband IPs that don’t change very often typically have a score above thirty. This indicator can be useful for deciding whether an IP address represents the same user over time. The value ranges from 0 to 99.99. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter threshold value Int 20 Lower or equal values will be filtered out 10256 1266 Customer ip address static ip score is less or equal to configured threshold
Customer IP user count This check fires when customer IP address user count considered by MaxMind service is higher or equal to the settled threshold value. The estimated number of users sharing the IP/network during the past 24 hours. For IPv4, the count is for the individual IP. For IPv6, the count is for the /64 network. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N filter threshold value Int 3 Higher or equal values will be filtered out 10257 1267 Customer ip address user count is higher or equal to configured threshold
Customer IP user type This check fires when customer IP address user type considered by MaxMind service is in blocked user types list. Possible values: business,cafe,cellular,college, consumer_privacy_network,content_delivery_network,government, hosting,library,military,residential,router,school, search_engine_spider,traveler. Counts Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions.   N blocked user types String Y Blocked user types will be filtered out, split values with comma 10258 1268 Customer ip address user type is in blocked user types list

2.6.6. Consistency filters

Name Description Score Enabled by default Parameters Error codes
Name Type Default Description # Code Name
Customer IP address Country differs from Issuing Country This risk check is triggered when a transaction has the сustomer IP country different from the issuing country of the card. Requests from IP addresses listed in “Merchant API IP address” are ignoring this check. If parameter “apply for countries” is empty, filter will require strict customer country to issuer country matching for all the countries, otherwise this check will force country matching for listed countries only. For example if you setup “apply for countries” to US - check will be triggered for following country combinations US-anyNonUS or anyNonUS-US, but for combinations anyNonUS-anyNonUS and US-US the check will not fire. For card2card transactions issuer country of the source card should be equal to issuer country of the destination card, i.e. this check will be triggered for any cross-border transaction. Yes N ignore undefined countries String Y ignore check if country of the customer or issuer could not be defined 10013 1023 Country of the customer does not correspond to the country of the issuer
skip country identifier String 250 ignore check for specific customer country, for example check could be skipped if customer uses mobile network with Opera browser proxy to process the transaction      
apply for countries String   if current parameters is not empty, check will be applied for listed countries only      
Customer name differs from Cardholder name This check fires when the provided customer name does not match cardholder name. Yes N greatest levenshtein distance Int 3 greatest levenshtein distance to consider customer and cardholder names equal 10114 1124 Customer name does not correspond to the cardholder name
Customer IP address differs from IP address used for 3-D Secure validation This check fires when the provided Customer IP address does not match IP address used for 3-D Secure validation. Sometimes fraudsters are changing the destination of the payment converting sale operatons (revocable operation) to card2card To exclude the automation of such fraud cases this filter could be used. Some providers are using dynamic IP addresses for their clients and during transaction processing customer IP address might be changed slightly. To avoid false positives in such cases IP address change in /24 subnet is allowed. Yes N         10070 1080 Customer IP address have been changed during transaction processing
Customer birthday check This check fires when the provided customer birthday is in incorrect format or customer is to young to preform requested operation. Yes N maximum age Int 100 maximum client age to process the transaction 10086 1096 Invalid customer birthday
minimum age Int 16 minimum client age to process the transaction      
date format String %Y%m%d input format for customers birthday, following macrosses are allowed - %Y Year, numeric, four digits - %m Month, numeric (00..12) - %d Day of the month, numeric (00..31)      
Source Credit Card number expiration date check This check fires when the provided Source Credit Card expiration date will expire soon. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. Usually card expires in the last day of the expiration month printed on card. Check could be used to avoid acceptance of the Credit Card for future preauthorized payments if it expires before the the last recurring payment planned. Yes N minimum days before card expiration Int 0 minimum days before card expiration date 10126 1136 Card expires too soon
The 6+4 customer cards differs from the 6+4 passed in purpose This check fires when the provided Customer 6+4 card does not match 6+4 passed in purpose. Counts Sale and Preauth transactions in any status. Yes N         10249 1259 Customer card 6+4 does not match the purpose

2.6.7. Custom business validations

Name Description Score Enabled by default Parameters Error codes
Name Type Default Description # Code Name
Transaction amount changing for Purpose This check fires when the Transaction amount changing associated with exact Purpose exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. So, if you set a quantity threshold of 10 transactions in 30 days, only 10 transactions with amount fitting parameter regexp below will be allowed, starting from 11th transactions its amount should fit regexp after parameter value. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in Approved status. No N regexp below String ^([0-9]{1,2}| 1[0-9]{2}| 2[0-4][0-9])([.][0-9] {0,3})?$ if transaction amount fits this parameter value, “quantity threshold” current value increased by one 10080 1090 Invalid transaction amount
regexp after String ^(2[5-9][0-9]|[3-9][0-9] {2}|[1-9][0-9]{3,10})([.] [0-9]{0,3})?$ regular expression value to fit all transaction amounts, staring from “quantity threshold” parameter value      
quantity threshold Int 99999 since specified threshold all transaction amounts should fit “regexp after” parameter value      
lookup period in days Int 30 lookup period to analyse transaction amount velocity in days      
for all merchant projects String N Y - to check transactions for all projects of the current merchant, otherwise check transactions for current project only      
Authorization reattempts requirements EMEA

This check fires for all purchase transactions. Merchants that receive a decline response for a transaction will only be allowed to resubmit it for authorization up to fifteen times within 30 calendar days from the date of the original decline response if the response code is one of the following:

  • Response Code 100-Decline (general, no comments)
  • Response Code 101-Decline, expired card
  • Response Code 102-Decline, suspected fraud
  • Response Code 104-Decline, restricted card
  • Response Code 106-Decline, allowable PIN tries exceeded
  • Response Code 107-Decline, refer to card issuer
  • Response Code 108-Decline, refer to card issuer’s special conditions
  • Response Code 109-Decline, invalid merchant
  • Response Code 110-Decline, invalid amount
  • Response Code 112-Decline, PIN data required
  • Response Code 114-Decline, no account of type requested
  • Response Code 115-Decline, requested function not supported
  • Response Code 116-Decline, not sufficient funds
  • Response Code 117-Decline, incorrect PIN
  • Response Code 120-Decline, transaction not permitted to terminal
  • Response Code 121-Decline, exceeds withdrawal amount limit
  • Response Code 122-Decline, security violation
  • Response Code 123-Decline, exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
  • Response Code 124-Decline, violation of law
  • Response Code 160-Decline, additional customer authentication required
  • Response Code 197-Decline, call AmEx
  • Response Code 198-Decline, call Card Processing Centre
  • Response Code 903-Status message: re-enter transaction
  • Response Code 904-Decline reason message: format error
  • Response Code 907-Decline reason message: card issuer or switch inoperative
  • Response Code 909-Decline reason message: system malfunction
  • Response Code 913-Decline reason message: duplicate transmission
  • Response Code 914-Decline reason message: not able to trace back to original transaction
  • Response Code 921-Decline reason message: security software/hardware error - no action
  • Response Code 950-Decline reason message: violation of business arrangement

International card systems Rules to prohibit acquirers and their recurring services merchants from resubmitting a declined transaction for authorization if it receives a response:

  • Response Code 111-Decline, invalid card number
  • Response Code 180-Decline, by cardholders wish
  • Response Code 200-Pick-up (general, no comments)
  • Response Code 207-Pick-up, special conditions
  • Response Code 208-Pick-up, lost card
  • Response Code 209-Pick-up, stolen card
  • Response Code 908-Decline reason message: transaction destination cannot be found for routing

Visa only:

  • Response Code 119-Decline, transaction not permitted to cardholder
  • Response Code 902-Decline reason message: invalid transaction

Mastercard only:

  • Response Code 201-Pick-up, expired card
  • Response Code 202-Pick-up, suspected fraud
  • Response Code 203-Pick-up, card acceptor contact card acquirer
  • Response Code 204-Pick-up, restricted card
  • Response Code 205-Pick-up, card acceptor call acquirer’s security department
  • Response Code 206-Pick-up, allowable PIN tries exceeded
  • Response Code 210-Pick-up, suspected counterfeit card

The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth transactions in Declined status for listed decline reasons. Correct decline reasons should be supported by a connected PSP. Limits are calculated separately for each merchant id, PAN and transaction amount.

No N         10182 1192 Payment system authorisation reattempts limit reached
Visa Preauthorized Transaction Decline Response requirements

This check fires for recurring transactions only. Merchants that receive a decline response for a preauthorized transaction will only be allowed to resubmit it for authorization up to four times within 16 calendar days from the date of the original decline response if the response code is one of the following:

  • Response Code 05-Authorization Declined
  • Response Code 51-Insufficient Funds
  • Response Code 61-Exceeds Approval Amount Limit
  • Response Code 65-Exceeds Withdrawal Frequency Limit

If an approval response is not received within this time frame, merchants must not resubmit the transaction or their acquirers may be subject to non-compliance actions, as outlined in the Visa Rules, and may be subject to chargebacks. Visa Rules to prohibit acquirers and their recurring services merchants from resubmitting a declined transaction for authorization if it receives a pickup response:

  • Response Code 04-Pick Up Card
  • Response Code 07-Pick Up Card, Special
  • Response Code 33-Expired Card, Capture
  • Response Code 34-Suspected Fraud, Retain Card
  • Response Code 35-Card Acceptor, Contact Acquirer, Retain Card
  • Response Code 36-Restricted Card, Retain Card
  • Response Code 37-Contact Acquirer Security Department, Retain Card
  • Response Code 41-Lost Card
  • Response Code 43-Stolen Card
  • Response Code 67-Capture Card or a decline response of:
  • Response Code 14-Invalid Account Number (No Such Number)
  • Response Code 54-Expired Card
  • Response Code 57-Transaction Not Permitted

The time threshold is a moving window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. Counts Account verification, Sale, Preauth or Transfer transactions in Declined status for listed decline reasons. Correct decline reasons should be supported by a connected PSP. Limits are calculated separately for each gate descriptor.

No N ignore period in months Int 0 if this parameter value greater zero, only one declined transaction allowed during the specified period, independently from its decline code 10090 1100 Visa rules violation for preauthorized transaction(DELAY)
10135 1145 PSP rules violation for no CVV transaction (CANCEL)
10136 1146 PSP rules violation for no CVV transaction (PICKUP)
MCC 6211 restrictions Security Brokers/Dealers No N allow MasterCard for NA String N allows MasterCard processing for North America 10099 1109 MCC 6211 rules violation
allow France String N allows France processing      
allow Jamaica String N allows Jamaica processing      
allow Uganda String N allows Uganda processing      
MCC 7995 restrictions Betting/Casino Gambling No N allow Germany String N allows Germany processing 10124 1134 MCC 7995 rules violation
allow UK String N allows United Kingdom processing      
CDB processing restrictions Deny all countries except USA and EU countries. Also deny the following EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia; and the following US states: Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska, North Carolina. No N check credit card BIN country String N   10167 1177 CDB processing restrictions violation
check customer billing address country String N        
check customer IP country String N        

2.6.8. Customer Level filters

These filters can be set up on Customer level in Customer Management System.

Name Description Score Enabled by default Parameters Error codes
Name Type Default Description # Code Name
Customer id usage frequency for last 24 hours (daily limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Customer id exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 24 hours window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 24 hours. Counts Sale and Preauth transactions in the approved status for Deposits or Reversal, Transfer, Payout transactions in the approved status for Withdrawals. Yes N amount limit Decimal 99999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for exact Customer id 19000   Daily amount limit exceeded for customer id
for all merchant currencies in Customer Management System String No current total transactions amount or count for the last month for this customer id would be calculated. Yes: for all merchant levels in all currencies in payment direction (Deposit or Withdrawal) and converted to the currency of the current level for comparison with the amount limit . No: for current level only.      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for exact Customer id. 19001   Daily quantity limit exceeded for customer id
subtract Cancel transactions String No ignore cancel transactions for two-stage payments.      
use calendar day String No “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled. “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled.      
Сustomer id usage frequency for last 7 days (weekly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Customer id exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a 7 days window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to hours. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in 168 hours. Counts Sale and Preauth transactions in the approved status for Deposits or Reversal, Transfer, Payout transactions in the approved status for Withdrawals. Yes N amount limit Decimal 99999 maximum total transactions amount for the last week for exact Customer id. 19002   Weekly amount limit exceeded for customer id
calendar week starts from Sunday String No Yes: calendar week starts from Sunday, No: calendar week starts from Monday      
for all merchant currencies in Customer Management System String No current total transactions amount or count for the last month for this customer id would be calculated.      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for exact Customer id. 19003   Weekly quantity limit exceeded for customer id
subtract Cancel transactions String No ignore cancel transactions for two-stage payments.      
use calendar day String No “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled. “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled.      
Customer id usage frequency last month (monthly limit) This check fires when the number or amount of transactions associated with exact Customer id exceeds the configured thresholds. The time threshold is a one month window calculated backwards from the moment of the transaction. For window calculation all transaction dates are truncated to be used. Some providers are using dynamic IP addresses for days. The risk fires on the transaction after the set threshold. So, if you set a threshold of 10 transactions, it fires on the 11th transaction in one month. Month calculation based on calendar i.e. 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of March would be bumped to 28th of February during window calculation. Counts Sale and Preauth transactions in the approved status for Deposits or Reversal, Transfer, Payout transactions in the approved status for Withdrawals. Yes N amount limit Decimal 99999 maximum total transactions amount for the last 24 hours for exact Customer id. 19004   Monthly amount limit exceeded for customer id
for all merchant currencies in Customer Management System String No current total transactions amount or count for the last month for this customer id would be calculated. Yes: for all merchant levels in all currencies in payment direction (Deposit or Withdrawal) and converted to the currency of the current level for comparison with the amount limit. No: for current level only.      
quantity limit Int 99999 maximum total transactions count for the last 24 hours for exact Customer id. 19005   Monthly quantity limit exceeded for customer id
subtract Cancel transactions String No ignore cancel transactions for two-stage payments.      
use calendar day String No “Y” For calculation using calendar days instead of calculation from moment when filter was enabled. “N” for calculation from moment when filter was enabled.